Serpent's Stout

The Lost Abbey
San Marcos, Ca
Imperial Stout
The Lost Abbey
San Marcos, Ca
Imperial Stout
appearance: pours an opaque black. soapy mocha head lingers for a moment then disappears.
smell: roasted malt, oak, vanilla, molasses, slight toffee sweetness, chocolate, some coffee but not overpowering. slight bourbon? i got some dark fruit too, figs, raisins. like many Lost Abbey beers, there is a lot going on here.
taste: 11%??? what? where? this stout is smooth as silk. i taste almost no alcohol, but you definitely know it's there after the first glass. taste follows the nose, but with a slight hop kick. the drinkabilty is INCREDIBLE, especially for the style. so much going on here: coffee/cocoa, vanilla, sweet malt, dark fruit. i can find nothing wrong with this brew at all.
the verdict: this is world class beer. the word "perfection" comes to mind. if it wasn't for the ABV i could drink this all day and never get tired of it, (can't think of a lot of Imperial Stouts i could say that about). the smoothness, the fantastic balance and drinkability, the complexity of the flavors, the perfect carbonation make this one of the best Imp. Stouts on the market. if this beer is available in your area, GET IT!
smell: roasted malt, oak, vanilla, molasses, slight toffee sweetness, chocolate, some coffee but not overpowering. slight bourbon? i got some dark fruit too, figs, raisins. like many Lost Abbey beers, there is a lot going on here.
taste: 11%??? what? where? this stout is smooth as silk. i taste almost no alcohol, but you definitely know it's there after the first glass. taste follows the nose, but with a slight hop kick. the drinkabilty is INCREDIBLE, especially for the style. so much going on here: coffee/cocoa, vanilla, sweet malt, dark fruit. i can find nothing wrong with this brew at all.
the verdict: this is world class beer. the word "perfection" comes to mind. if it wasn't for the ABV i could drink this all day and never get tired of it, (can't think of a lot of Imperial Stouts i could say that about). the smoothness, the fantastic balance and drinkability, the complexity of the flavors, the perfect carbonation make this one of the best Imp. Stouts on the market. if this beer is available in your area, GET IT!
i give Serpent's Stout: 5 Yeti's
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